About Us
The First United Methodist Church in Milford is a Community of Faith and witness to the love of Jesus Christ demonstrated on the Cross. The mission of this Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ through the lives we live. Service to the community, together with service to the world, will be paramount in realizing the ultimate will of God in Christ Jesus.
The service and witness of the First United Methodist Church are for all peoples, irrespective of race, color, creed, sex and even differing lifestyles, because we believe that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world. Therefore, being no respecter of persons, he loves all people with an everlasting love. So, we love all persons, because Christ first loved us. Therefore, this church invites everyone who loves the Lord Jesus Christ or who seeks to have a relationship with the Lord to worship and to serve.
The first gathering of Methodists in Milford occurred in 1795. The church was located near Camp Street. During this time both Francis Asbury and Jesse Lee came to Milford to preach near the current Memorial Hall location.
In the early 1800s the church burned and in April 1845 the second Methodist church was begun. This church met at the Town Hall. Records show that the membership was 92, with a Sunday school attendance of 200, which included adults. The first minister of this church was E. H. Hempstead.
On April 10, 1849, the church building was dedicated on our current foundation. The Milford United Methodist church is the oldest church on its original foundation in Milford.
The history of our church has built a strong foundation in our community that continues today. As Methodists we are proud of our faith and our church.

Our pastor is Daniel D. Stone. Pastor Dan and his wife Janet are residents of North Attleboro, MA. He has been a lay speaker since 1995, first in his home church of North Attleboro and later in Plainville, MA where he served as Organist and Choir Director while maintaining his Lay Servant Certification. He plays piano, organ, guitar, and also writes music along with Janet. On many Sundays, you may see them lending their fine voices to our choir! More recently, he received licensing as a Local Pastor. He served as the pastor of the Southbridge, MA FUMC from July 1, 2017 to Jan 2019. He was appointed as the pastor of the First United Methodist Church of Milford, MA effective January 16th of 2019. A warm welcome and reception from our congregation followed on Jan 27, 2019.
At present our services have been altered to keep our congregation safe during COVID-19. The following is a list of the services that we have offered in the past and will offer again once the COVID-19 restrictions are lifted.
About our Sunday service:
- - 10 AM
- - Choir Anthem & Special Music
- - Childcare for infants & toddlers
- - Children’s Message followed by Sunday School for grades K-12
- - Coffee & Fellowship after service
- - no choir or Sunday school in the summer months.
Special Multi-Sensory Worship Service
- - 2nd Sunday of the month at 6 pm.
- - Designed to include people with developmental challenges, their family, friends and caregivers.
- - Expect lots of music, joyful singing, interactive style, short message & prayer, 45 minutes with a full meal, dessert & fellowship to follow.
- - No service in July or August.
Our church sanctuary is accessible by chair-lift.