Groups and Ongoing Outreach

If you are interested in joining any of our groups, please send us a message using our Contact Page

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Traditional Church Choir

Rehearsals on Thursdays, 7:30 pm

(no choir during the summer)

seekers book club

A covenant group for women of all ages that meets monthly on Mondays evenings at 7:30 p.m. Through prayer, fellowship and discussions centered around literature, we seek to extend our faith and expand our understanding of today’s world from a Christian perspective. Contact the church for more information.

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Special multi-sensory worship service
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Second Sunday of the month at 6 pm.

Designed to include people with developmental challenges, their family, friends and caregivers. Expect lots of music, joyful singing, interactive style, short message & prayer, 45 minutes with a full meal, dessert & fellowship to follow. No service in July or August. Our church sanctuary is accessible by chair-lift.

bible study BRUNCH

An opportunity for in-depth study of the Bible—a wonderful time of learning and sharing. Currently held Tuesdays at noon, at the church and also via Zoom. New this year - Brunch will be included! Please contact us using the link at the top of the page for more information.

Food Pantry Ministry

Distribute water and hot chocolate and offer fellowship to community members waiting in line at the Milford Food Pantry. Tuesday evenings, 5 pm.

 Prayer Shawl Ministry

Members pray while creating shawls for those who need comforting. Contact the church for more information.

Community Meal

Held the last Thursday of each month at Trinity Church across the street, FUMC volunteers plan, cook and serve a delicious dinner to members of the community.